Froggies Blog

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Kids Church

For some reason this year our biggest Sundays have been Mothers Day and Fathers Day. I would have thought that of all Sundays, these would be the ones where families stay at home and do family stuff. Maybe they've clicked onto the idea that they get free stuff at church, I dunno.

So our Life Groups were bursting at the seams.

One crazy cool thing that came up on Sunday is that all these kids are asking about speaking in Tongues, and they all want to be prayed for! I just found out on Sunday at our leaders supper that one girl started speaking in tongues when we prayed for her during the Prayer Room thing last year.

I have to admit, even though I'm like "kids can do all this stuff too", I still find myself thinking small about what God can and wants to do through children. I can see that God is opening some doors though. I need some wisdom about how to go about this. Looks like a bit of an adventure is up ahead!

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Thursday, August 31, 2006

wahoo new phone

It turns out that Amy has been waiting for someone to give her old phone to. Well, she's in luck, I need a phone. Mine went to sleep and never woke up again.

It's an 027, so I let yo'll know my new number. So Im back up and running again this Sunday!
One day when I'm feeling financial, I'll get a 021 cheapie so those addicted to free weekends can still get me.

Something else, there are quite a few people from our church family in hospital. One in a very critical situation at the mo. I am so aware that we are in a battle, and it seems that things are heating up a bit. There's nothing that God isn't big enough for, but we do need to be fighting for these people in prayer, and keep our spiritual eyes open so that we can be aware of stuff that can hinder Gods work, and are able to stand up against it. Don't get too comfortable, or distracted by what you see with your natural eyes.

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

my car is a piece of plastic something

When the stick that has the indicator and lights switches fall off, you could be forgiven for thinking you are watching some dumb action comedy where everything falls off the car but it still drives, and then they save the day, and then the two main characters kiss at the end.

But is wasn't funny.
And there was no kissing.

Yea, I need a new car. We prayed at Life Group last night, and Steve prayed that I would have a really cool car that I feel really cool in and that I look really cool in and that is really cool. Hehe. But what I really really need is a miricle. Pretty much I got no car money. I would totally appreciate your prayers for this one! I read Psalm 89 today and it told me that God is totally dependable. I know that. At least my head know that, but I need to learn to really really trust Him. I guess this situation is a good chance to practice that!

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Monday, August 21, 2006


We had a girly event at the weekend.
There were heaps of options for activities to do in the afternoon, and then a catered dinner in the evening.

I chose to go to the "pamper" afternoon. I was a bit disappointed cos it was really more an information session. Even though I'm not that girly I didn't actually learn much, it was either logical stuff or something I've heard somewhere already.

For your information here's what I learnt...
  • NEVER use black eyeliner unless your are african or want to look scary.
  • You can buffer your nails instead of using clear nail polish. Why you would want to use claear nail polish I do not know, but I'm excited about buffering.
  • Toe nail clippers should be used for toe nails then put back in the draw not for your finger nails and the dogs nails. When you clip your finger nails you make the 4 layers of your nails fuzzy. Then they split. But come on, who doesn't enjoy peeling back the layers of their nails?
  • Your nails take 3 months to grow, and if your are sick or take medication or something, you will notice it in your nails 3 months later.
  • Don't share masscara, its yuck.
  • "Lip Liner" totally under rated, and it makes your lipstick stick.
  • Natural Glow has "thousands or luminous sphares", so how can it not be good.
Lip Liner.

I think next year I'll go kyaking or scuba diving...

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Friday, August 18, 2006

under construction


I was attracted to the features of "", or more like sucked in.
So nievly, I signed up.
Big mistake.
I'm sure that once they've got it all organised, it will be worth it, but right now the options are extremely limited.
I can't edit HTML and actually publish!!!

SO, apologies for the poor appearance of my blog at the mo.
It will be more exciting. We have the technology. Actually we don't. They do, and we'll eventually get it...

Moral of the story: don't get sucked in to the bright lights of beta.blogger until they have got more of it together.


Although, I do like the new spell check. I just used it.
It highlights mistakes, says complete, then click on the mistake and the options drop down. Very handy.

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Monday, August 14, 2006

The Sunday Lunch

I like Sunday lunch.

I was thinking on Sunday that I can't remember many Sundays growing up when we didn't have people over, or go to someone elses place for lunch.

It's a tradition that is kinda cool. In a church that is biggish, the reality is that conversation is usually small talk, and you don't get the chance to get to really know people that well, it really requires effort.

Thank goodness for Sunday lunch.
It's actally possible and not too weird to ask someone to lunch that you don't know very well. Thats how we got to know other families when we were kids. I remember one Sunday afternoon being completly gutted that our visitors had to leave. I may have cried. I had that much fun playing with the kids. So we don't really play anymore... but still, with the way that we do church at the moment, I think it's quite an important thing to put some thought and effort into.

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Some Quality Jokes I got in an email...

Q. Who was the greatest financier in the Bible?
A. Noah. He was floating his stock while everyone else was in liquidation.

Q. What kind of motor vehicles are in the Bible?
A. God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden in a Fury. David's Triumph was heard throughout the land. Also, probably a Honda, because the apostles were all in one Accord.

Q. Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible?
A. Samson. He brought the house down.

Q. Which Bible character had no parents?
A. Joshua, son of Nun.

Q. Why didn't they play cards on the Ark?
A. Because Noah was standing on the deck.

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bigger or Better

I've wanted to play this game ever since I heard the Student Lifers talk about it after their conference years ago... and finally we did it!

On Saturday we had a leaders day for the Salt Shakers team. We had a great day, ate heaps of yummy food, spun some yarns. But the highlight would have been the game. We broke into 3 teams of 3 and set out nocking on doors with a paper clip.

My team (the best team naturally) did the following exchanges...

paper clip for a pen
pen for a used dog food bin
used dog food bin for a lava lamp (still in box, and courtesy of Debs!)
lava lamp for a bedside lamp
bedside lamp for a Gorge Forman Grill
Gorge Forman Grill for a VCR (and remote)
and finally...
VCR for a DRYER! (yep, care of another friend, Wendy!)

We totally kicked ass. The others came back with a toy car, and a random assortment of junk.
As it turns out, the gracious givers of the lava lamp don't have a dryer. Well they do now!

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